Ja, und wieder ist eine Woche vergangen.. Es stimmt, ist der Montag vorbei, ist die Woche vorbei – man kann gar nicht so schnell gucken und schon ist wieder Freitag.
Gestern konnte ich dann wenigstens noch eine Geburtstagskarte basteln und habe mich natürlich an ein paar Challenges orientiert. Ballons gehen doch immer, oder?
Yes, another week went by.. It is correct, when Monday is over, the week is over – you cannot look as fast as it is Friday again. (German phrase – I am not sure, if translated correctly 😀 )
At least I was able to create a birthday card, yesterday and of course I was inspired by some challenges. Balloons always work, don’t they?
Less is More – # 313 Balloons
MFT Color Throwdon – #427
IN{K}SPIRE_me – # 285 Sketch
What a great celebration card! Love the pastel balloons! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Color Throwdown this week!
What a fun birthday card! Love your pastel balloons. Thanks for joining us for this week’s Color Throwdown!
This is so pretty and fun! Great take on the colour challenge!
Lovely pastel balloon make
Oh ja, Ballons sind Alleskönner! Eine sehr schöne Danke, dass Du bei der Inkspire me Challenge dabei bist. Lieber Gruß, Marion
What lovely pastel colours, so pretty! Yes, balloons always make a great card 🙂 I really like how their panel is off set and the little banner with its sentiment pops off the side. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Less is More 🙂
The soft colours give a really airy look to your design and it looks as if the balloons are floating off the top of the card – so lovely! Thank you for sharing with us at Less is More 🙂
This is really super! You have captured such a sense of movement in your card with the way you stamped the balloon images leaving the panel. The pretty pastel colours portray the see-through and delicate nature of a balloon too. Fab work. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Less is More. xx
Ohja stimmt… Ballons gehen immer. Die Farben sind toll! Schön, dass Du bei IN{K}SPIRE_me dabei bist… Liebe Grüße, Heike
So eine zarte, leichte Karte. Finde auch die Farben besonders schön und wie Dir gelungen ist, die Ballons so zufällig anzuordnen. Danke fürs Mitspielen bei IN{K}SPIRE_me und lieber Gruss, Annemarie