… ist heute die Hauptattraktion auf meiner Karte. Ich versuche zwischendurch immer mal wieder auch Karten für die Männerwelt zu basteln. Ab und zu braucht man ja doch eine. Für mich ist das immer irgendwie eine Herausforderung, aber was wäre das Hobby ohne? 😀
Habt eine schöne Woche!
… is the main attraction on my card. I am trying to create cards for men once in a while. Every now and then you need one. For me this is always somehow a challenge, but what would this hobby be without challenges? 😀
Have a nice week!
Challenge up your life – #62 Chevrons
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge – Things With Wings
{Cupcake Inspirations} – CIC400 Happy Birthday (combined with challenge CIC322)
Such a sweet card and great colors! So glad you linked up to our 400th Cupcake Inspiration Challenge!
Wow! This is beautiful! Thanks so much for joining Cupcake Inspirations for our 400th Challenge!
This is a beautiful masculine card (can you use beautiful when talking about cards for men? Oh well, it is beautiful none the less). Thank you for joining us for our #400th challenge celebration!!!
Thank you all so much!
Love your beautiful card! The colors and the dragonfly are awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. 🙂